Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Inaugural Post

I said, months ago that I would start a blog about my (mis)adventures as a new speech-language pathologist (SLP) and perhaps share resources that I found. My main reason for hesitating was that as soon as I said I would start it, someone else started a blog about being a brand new SLP.

One of the side-effects of learning about social norms and rules is that when I'm paying attention to how I follow these norms and rules, I tend to overgeneralize them and read far too much into otherwise innocuous situations. When I found out about this other blog, I was sure that if I began writing my own blog that the writer would think I was a copycat. Before therapy, this wouldn't have crossed my mind!

My other reason for hesitating to start a blog was that I don't want to appear self-congratulatory, self-aggrandizing, or whiny. Then I realized that I might be the only SLP with Asperger's who even has a blog, so why shouldn't I fill that niche? Someone might find it interesting!

What I want for this blog is for it to be a resource for myself and others. Writing down my thoughts and ideas is a good way for me to process the language in my head and make it coherent. Maybe my brain will produce something useful for others. I also want to share SLP, education and ASD resources I've found either by myself or with the help of colleagues and mentors. Being new on the job is overwhelming for anyone and the prospect of having to make or find therapy materials was and still is daunting. Working every day at a job with a lot of social interaction is also a challenge and I hope to share my thoughts on it.

Questions? Comments? Send them my way. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your blog and I think you have a very unique perspective to offer. I look forward to following your adventures!
